
The Star Festival

The Star Festival

It is the Star Festival today.
What did you do?
The me mom family attached small and the decoration which I got in a child care club.
The wish that I wrote in
Be "brought up to the child whom is kind" to

"Grow up into health"

I wrote a lot of such things.
(^^; which does not write oneself

Unfortunately the district where the me mom lives in is clouded.
The Milky Way cannot look, but surely hide expectation with a wish coming true a little; and is entering Maas in drama time today.


The funny case that happened at the time of examination in July

The funny case that happened at the time of examination in July


Good morning!
 I had a checkup in examination last week for seven months.
 When the quickening to feel in lower one worried about used one cup of space eyes which a baby could move to and moved, it was with a saw!
 But the liquid which was transparent so as I felt, and to soak into pants from underwear to just call コポッ has appeared. Will it be breaking water? At the age of a little child, labor pains began with breaking water, but came out, feeling it resembles it.
 The baby moves, but the stomach is made probably because I became uneasy.
 ... which I took treatment with dentist yesterday, and it was a shameful story this morning, but have got along well with the master. When possibly mother was breaking water, was the whole (><) duty, but after all how many probable causes had better perform it in a hospital; ...?


Hello. I e-mailed it and had a look at it.
The baby grows up cheerfully, too.
Transparent liquid seems to have flowed, but will not it be a cage thing?
I put during the pregnancy, and only quantity increases.
It is the thing which is watery in it. Please always go to the hospital to see a state if the states of the stomach are different.

Probably I feel like not being breaking water. Because I smell smelly, I think the water to be plain. Please look at the state.
I think that worry may be able to refer on the telephone.


I am very nutritious with chemical-free vegetables

I am very nutritious with chemical-free vegetables
(The knowledge of the first pregnancy trimester)

Good evening, everyone.
ヨーパパ is after a long absence and writes it in place of a me mom.

The parents' house of father is the back depths of the mountain of Aichi.
There is Kitashitara-gun in the place.
Therefore father makes vegetables by a hobby does it.

The harvest festival of the vegetables which father put great deal of effort on Saturday and made of 28th.
Including the May queen and the baron of the potato a cucumber, the onion which do.
Of course because it is no pesticide, I take the lettuce on the spot and eat on the spot.

A potato (new じゃが) having just finished being produced is the best!
The potato which boiled always takes the skin,; but is just crib! I become very delicious.
This and beer are good again!

A plum and hard fighting of Tomoki becoming from old days from the afternoon.
At first father starts from the mowing of many weeds growing thick with Tomoki.
Be careful about a snake (a mamushi)….

I pull a blue seat with Tomoki next, and the low place is a hand….
I knock on the high place by bamboo hard and drop a plum.

A lot of numbers were not produced in comparison with the average year, but are going to make it a pickled plum as always.

No pesticide wants the place to mind to premama by all means.
There is not the thing which is dangerous to the vegetables which are covered with the pesticides which I cannot know which the ○ product wants to get in neighboring countries.
Of course it is a check required because frozen food lies a lot hidden in the second processed thing.

When take a lot of folic acid of the nutrient in the investigation by me mom; fetus にはいいとか….


After abortion

After abortion

Q:Ms Lemi

I let you talk about an abortion in July, and merely reach it and watch it and appear and do it.
Thank you very much at that time.
An operation is over safely and it is a baby and thinks every day and spends days while praying.
In addition, I can be uneasy this time and it is consultation, but does not do a sexual intercourse with him since that at all. After all I still finished an operation for a feeling, and three weeks passed.
I finish it and spent it without a terrible postoperative side effect for a while, but I enter in August and I appear today from about 2nd and do it, but a slight fever continues all the time. It is the feeling that it called 37.2 degrees Celsius from 36.6. Appetites increase from usual times, and there is tiredness, too, and the womb sometimes aches sharply, too and

I thought of ばてかとも in a cold and summer, but will it be for there to be the abortion operation back that a slight fever continues for days after doing it for a while though it is different from them what it is, and a slight fever is not hot though it continues, and the art back was calm in this way because a symptom resembles it at the time of the pregnancy?

An operation fails, and is there still it in a stomach? I think of …


Good evening. It is after a long absence. I seem to have finished the operation safely, too. I think that the baby feels relieved that I pray to a baby every day.

Postoperative physical condition is to say a little, but the recovery of the postoperative womb seems to suffer for around 1 month.
Movement of the womb does not stop even after taking a もちろ operation. So ovulation day comes, and it is thought that the high temperature period begins now.
It may be it or mental stress.
The operation back bleeds and seems to be able to run a fever. Please have a checkup a little more at a hospital if heat does not fall to see a state.


Outrider labor pains

Outrider labor pains?


A stomach does it, and a waist does it…. But have a pain in it, and cannot move; do not untie it…. I surely have a pain in it….

But the number of times to ache increased….
There is ache ...…. I want to classify power into a stomach naturally at an interval for 10 minutes(_)

Is the reason because a booby booby brings himself/herself, and it was not able to sleep?….


Good evening. Outrider labor pains may be taking place now.
Because the pain understands that true labor pains become it every 10 minutes steadily, I understand it clearly when it is labor pains.
When I am worried about a pain by all means, please contact a hospital.
I think that proper labor pains come soon.
The one where I took the sleep as much as possible is the sake of the body.
In being in a condition that I have a pain in it and cannot sleep when labor pains really come.
Please take a rest for the physical strength preservation slowly.

---Site Infomation---
A first pregnancy trimester
A first pregnancy trimester-Blog
Woods Of Constipation
Woods Of Constipation-Blog
Music-Fun about Kina Grannis


Morning sickness symptom et al.

Morning sickness symptom et al.


Hello. It is after a long absence.

Morning sickness becomes up to professional standard and I vomit the tea even if I chew anything and vomit the water and vomit the rice and…. Thus though the three times had you do intravenous feeding at a hospital, I come to continue being terrible and fall down to the end of by the end of a byte, and I have you send it to a hospital, and emergency is hospitalized with the car of the person of the fellow worker…. Because there was it entirely even if I drank, I had dehydration and did it….
I grew big now so that five months began soon.

But…. The daddy same as before…. If morning sickness is terrible, and made state じゃなかったのに does both the child care and the housework by force, it is it for depression, and me drinks a tranquilizer now…. I cannot sleep and take a sleeping drug at night and…. It is a hospital commute almost every day.
I cannot say to the parents' house and. . . .

Because the girl over there knew that I needed a child to become pregnant somehow or other, parted from a daddy; though say, and seem to say, a daddy seems to decline it….


Good evening. Morning sickness seems to be hard.
Please make only the rehydration hot properly.
When tofu jelly was refreshed at the time of morning sickness, it may be easy to eat.
Because nausea is easy to be generated when it is a warm thing, I cool the rice, and please eat.
I stay in a stomach to some extent even if I vomit.

It is worry that daddy is not cooperative. I take the medicine now. To be frank, it is worry.
When 愛那 is hot, you had better not endure it.
It had better be returned a little at the parents' house because morning sickness was hard….
I seem to be in state that I am uneasy mentally and.
I think it to have you help it even if I cannot say to your parents honestly because I am ill-conditioned.

I am no use unless the woman relations have the master arrange it properly.
The master says not to want to stop relations. It says most it refuses an email from the master from the woman, and to quit communication, and it may be a method.

I am anxious, but please spend it in the thing of the body of 愛那 and a mental aspect while letting you display stress well not to overdo it.
Then please e-mail it if there is it, in addition, what it is. I wait.

---Site Infomation---
A first pregnancy trimester
A first pregnancy trimester-Blog
Woods Of Constipation
Woods Of Constipation-Blog
Music-Fun about Kina Grannis


The second pregnancy hope consultation

The second pregnancy hope consultation


When it was 1 year old and five months, and the daughter takes care of her baby every day, is instant; shin ...
I thought about the second, but I did my best while measuring basal body temperature somehow as before, but physiology came recently today.
Because it is very difficult and was able to be brought up with shin - mother's milk, I reopen physiology, and is the balance of the hormone still still perfection にもどっていないのかなぁ with the third? ? I am not eager, but the reason is because there is it only in one chance after July to do grade two to be different.
I hesitate whether I think because life after this changes all the time and will suffer from a hospital for ... sterility. Because I did the first commonly and was not able to do it either, in fact, I continued drinking マカ, and it was possible for senhor and me in around 3 months. Is it ... whether I have poor circulation, and it will be ... and that it is not possible unless I am made and drink again? ?
Is it がてっとりばやいかなぁ which lived on the insurance if I have you prescribe Chinese medicine cheaply at a hospital? ? I think of とも. Because it costs 10,000 yen when I buy マカ. When a baby is really terrible probability, I realize it again.


Good evening. I e-mailed it and had a look at it.
There is not readily the second, and it is troubled.
But because it is to have breast-fed you, there may be the thing that the hormone balance is not yet stable.
The grade difference is different in various thoughts by a person, but thinks that I do not need to be eager. A baby is a coming child.
I think that but I am all right after looking at the state a little more to a hospital.
Because you measure the basal body temperature, you may watch a timing slowly and carefully.
Because I should come properly when I should come, the baby please wait.
Because you can do it other than medicine, you should carry out the improvement having poor circulation in various ways.
A body is easy to come to get cold when in an air conditioner in particular or the place that work too much in the summertime.
I am to watch out in such a place.
Will be careful not to cool it with a stomach.

Then please e-mail it if there is it, in addition, what it is.
I wait.

---Site Infomation---
A first pregnancy trimester
A first pregnancy trimester-Blog
Woods Of Constipation
Woods Of Constipation-Blog
Music-Fun about Kina Grannis


I do not hear that a child says…

I do not hear that a child says…


It is 3 years old, 2 years old, a mom of 20 years old of the boy of 1 year old.
The child of the ☆ stomach which is a mini becoming pregnant with the fourth is nine months soon now.

I am irritated very hard recently.
I lie on my back, and the toy takes out all the things which I run a race if I fold laundry and folded in the neighborhood and I keep on and I do a quarrel and break the toy and am going to climb up the curtain and…. Is it a toy is put in the stairs when I put laundry and go down the stairs, and to have almost fallen from the stairs how many times?….

When a stomach is made and lies, I step on tag, the foot of the person over the head of the person and…. I feel nervous whether it is stepped on a stomach and cannot lie slowly….
The disposal that I spill a cake in the neiborhood where I make a bet of a vacuum cleaner and spill drink, and the laundry increases, and increase putting in order….
It is days of the patience recently without can lie even if a stomach is tense like a ball….

I am naughty by mischief…. While I become black and play in a park and do shopping, I own the interest to the various things and put a hand in a machine and….

I have mother always follow shopping because she cannot go at all alone….

Though it helps the daddy in various ways, I do not hear it, and the daddy is troubled, and it is entirely terrible to say. . .
If it is a boy, the fourth can be hardly due to a way in this….

Can you be brought up selfishly?…. . .


Nice to meet you. I e-mailed it and had a look at it.
The mini needs three children to be young.
I am still becoming pregnant.
When it is the brothers of the boy, I may tend to be tired at the end of spirit very much.

It is to be troubled with selfishness, but a child has a child of various character.
When there are 2 years old and a daughter of nine months to me, but I am the most selfish now and am serious.

Because child is small, it is serious, but I am selfish, and there is still a child needing a lot of looking after like child of the mini a lot.
As for me of the mini understand it comfortably. Because it is daughter alone in the case of me, it is red snapper Ino….
It is serious, but please try it hard till then because the time when the child comes to hear what adult says with growth comes.
It is important to make it a practice to be careful properly on the spot if I do a bad thing.
On the contrary, please praise it a lot if I do a good thing.
It is serious, but let's watch growth for a while each other.
I did not come with the thing rest that is advice-like, but let's try child care hard each other.

---Site Infomation---
A first pregnancy trimester
A first pregnancy trimester-Blog
Woods Of Constipation
Woods Of Constipation-Blog
Music-Fun about Kina Grannis


The physical condition management of the first pregnancy trimester

The physical condition management of the first pregnancy trimester

Q: Ms.Mary

I begin it, and it is pregnancy one month. I am full of what I do not understand because it is the first time.
I cannot help being sleepy all day by temperature of 36.5-37 degrees every day. I cannot stand for four hours, and a body is easy to become tired from a byte.
If there is time when I seem to vomit and am hungry, there is it at time that I am hardly edible.
I spend most of 1st now whether I sit down whether I sleep.
Is it that this is possible though I think that it is each person?

A: Mi-MaMa

Good evening. I e-mailed it and had a look at it.
While I become pregnant, a change comes out to a body steadily.
It becomes surely often that it is easy to be tired in the first pregnancy trimester.

The symptoms of the first pregnancy trimester are totally different by a person, too. Because a state of mary is not funny, don't worry.
There is individual difference to be over, but the morning sickness calms down considerably when it is around 4 months.

When there is the morning sickness, I feel sick and sleep enough all day and can sit down. I was the similar situation for the first pregnancy trimester, too.
To be said to vomit was unpleasant, and it seemed to do health strictly adversely.
But the body seems to become comfortable by vomiting.
There is morning sickness for the first pregnancy trimester, and the meal is all right even if it is not possible as expected. A baby is still small, too.
If neither the water nor the meal will be done at all, please go to the hospital immediately. It is taken its ease when I do intravenous feeding.

The byte seems to be considered to be it, too, but please work while talking with manager by all means when a body is hot.

---Site Infomation---
A first pregnancy trimester
A first pregnancy trimester-Blog
Woods Of Constipation
Woods Of Constipation-Blog
Music-Fun about Kina Grannis


The physical glow is 36.7

The physical glow is 36.7

Q Ms. Hiyoko

Good morning.
It is 36.7, and it was around 36.6, but the yesterday or today dates back to around 36.5 for a while.
The physical glow is 36.7 time and about the same heat, but temperature seems to fall…The baby whom I waited impatiently for for ten years. Do you become pregnant properly?…I want to bear it cheerfully….

A Mi-MaMa

Good evening. I e-mailed it and had a look at it.
I measure basal body temperature. The basal body temperature is different by the day.
As for influence being easy to be given most, temperature changes by the movement before measuring indoor temperature and temperature.

I wait for a baby all the time.
I think that I am worried about the thing of the temperature, but please look at the state slowly and carefully now.
In addition, I may become pregnant if temperature rises.
Then please e-mail it if there is it, in addition, what it is.
I wait.


The sex education fertilization pregnancy

The sex education fertilization pregnancy

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Pregnancy consultation (to the parents' house of the husband)…)

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妊娠初期の心得 By Japanese

妊娠初期の心得-Blog By Japanese


Pregnancy consultation (to the parents' house of the husband)…)

Pregnancy consultation (to the parents' house of the husband)…)

Q:Ms. Syoko

Nice to meet you. As for me, there is the boy of the seventh grader at 41 years old now. And is already alone; in a now stomach. Ten weeks began now. Room がすごーく is not crowded, and age has gone, but I want you already to want the second much more and. Because they felt sad when they experienced a miscarriage once two years ago so as to say with ... in what cannot stand up anymore, as for the next pregnancy,thought really thank God very much without forgetting it.

After all there can be the thing of the last miscarriage and is uneasy for uneasiness till a plateau begins. I become nervous while thinking that I am not good for the child of the stomach in this either. In the time of the Bon Festival of next month, you must go to the parents' house of the master for one week, and it is noon on the next day that I arrive at the parents' house of the master while taking the nap for the middle even if I leave going and returning by car at about 9:00 p.m. Though a plateau does not yet begin, I am jolted to a car for a long time and it is the parents' house of the master and does not understand it so much even after arriving what it is said to the tray when I do not help you with very busy business. Though such a state is obvious, the master does not say not to need to go this time. I want to finish it without going, but in this case how is it done other people? I am sorry to write it for a long time though it is the first time.


Nice to meet you. Congratulations on the pregnancy. A baby is really a coming child. It should be grown up a baby safely this time.
 I do it regarding a question, but think that after all the unreasonableness is bad. It is movement of the long time that it gets into a car to be anxious. Is not there the morning sickness? When there is morning sickness, I come to feel sick even more and am serious. I moved by car for a long time before I become pregnant, but there is still the experience that I was tired from.
 How will be it if conveyed that the movement of the long time of the car is easy to be tiring to the master? It is serious if wound up for it and a traffic jam and a sudden accident. I become ill-conditioned in it, and it is hard when I bleed by any chance. I am based on the thing of such a situation to the master and think it to tell me.
Because I think that there is little you in the time to be able to come back if the parents' house is far, but can come back throughout the life….
 A baby is born cheerfully, and sleep if become big to some extent because, in addition, can return to the parents' house; ... I watch it that a baby grows up safely, and do not overdo it now. Please spend it with a relaxed feeling without saving it and stress.
 In addition, please e-mail it if there is it what it is. I wait. The master understands it well, and it should be understood. Let's do its best till I can meet a baby each other. (^^;