
The second pregnancy hope consultation

The second pregnancy hope consultation


When it was 1 year old and five months, and the daughter takes care of her baby every day, is instant; shin ...
I thought about the second, but I did my best while measuring basal body temperature somehow as before, but physiology came recently today.
Because it is very difficult and was able to be brought up with shin - mother's milk, I reopen physiology, and is the balance of the hormone still still perfection にもどっていないのかなぁ with the third? ? I am not eager, but the reason is because there is it only in one chance after July to do grade two to be different.
I hesitate whether I think because life after this changes all the time and will suffer from a hospital for ... sterility. Because I did the first commonly and was not able to do it either, in fact, I continued drinking マカ, and it was possible for senhor and me in around 3 months. Is it ... whether I have poor circulation, and it will be ... and that it is not possible unless I am made and drink again? ?
Is it がてっとりばやいかなぁ which lived on the insurance if I have you prescribe Chinese medicine cheaply at a hospital? ? I think of とも. Because it costs 10,000 yen when I buy マカ. When a baby is really terrible probability, I realize it again.


Good evening. I e-mailed it and had a look at it.
There is not readily the second, and it is troubled.
But because it is to have breast-fed you, there may be the thing that the hormone balance is not yet stable.
The grade difference is different in various thoughts by a person, but thinks that I do not need to be eager. A baby is a coming child.
I think that but I am all right after looking at the state a little more to a hospital.
Because you measure the basal body temperature, you may watch a timing slowly and carefully.
Because I should come properly when I should come, the baby please wait.
Because you can do it other than medicine, you should carry out the improvement having poor circulation in various ways.
A body is easy to come to get cold when in an air conditioner in particular or the place that work too much in the summertime.
I am to watch out in such a place.
Will be careful not to cool it with a stomach.

Then please e-mail it if there is it, in addition, what it is.
I wait.

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